Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why You Shouldn't Use an Internet Translator - Funny Examples from "Google Translate Sings!"

So, you might think that your teachers are exaggerating when they tell you not to use an internet translator to write your essay or help write your essay. Trust me, we're not. Sentences that have been through translators are nearly always obvious and wrong and strange. A singer named Malinda Kathleen Reese has started a project called Google Translate Sings! which shows what happens to language when it is translated by a computer instead of a human. Here are some videos that show what happens to popular songs when they are translated. Real lyrics at the top, new translated lyrics at the bottom. First, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" the crazy version!

Now a popular American song, "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus.

Finally, one of my favorite Disney songs which is really really really messed up by translation!!!!

So, trust us, guys, when we say - use your own words. A simple sentence that you have put together with your own knowledge will always be better than relying on internet translation! You can also, always, get help from a native English teacher who can help you find the best words to say what you mean! See you all soon! 


  1. I wish Google translator performed well because I spend a lot of time to translate my thinking. I try to find example sentences and similar words for my essay or comment in the dictionary. I also check that I write my essay or comment correctly on the internet. However, there is no enough time to use those tools in my English class. It is a pitiful situation for me.

    1. Translating our thinking directly is very hard, I agree. I have spent a lot of time studying three languages: French, Spanish and German. This is my advice, from my own study. Don't try to translate your thoughts from Korean directly. When you take notes, plan your essay or even sit in English class, try to write, speak (and eventually) think only using the English you know. Sometimes you won't be able to say exactly what you would say in Korean - that's okay. You can talk about simpler ideas and use simpler sentences. This is my strategy for writing in other languages. Sometimes you will really need to find a specific word. It's okay and it can work to use the dictionary for just a word or two at a time. However, as soon as you begin to use translation devices for more than 1 or 2 words, big problems can arise.

      By the way - this is me just writing in simple French the things I wrote above. I changed words in some places and/or wrote shorter sentences in order to make sense:

      Je suis d'accord que c'est tres difficile a traduire nos pensees directement. J'ai etudie trois langues pour quelques annees - francais, espagnol et allemand. J'ai de conseil. N'essayez pas a traduire directement. Utilisez les mots que vous pouvez en anglais. C'est assez si vous ecrivez les phrases courtes ou simples. C'est mieux que traduire. Quand vous ecrivez, parlez (et apres des temps) penser - essayer de faire ca en anglais, sans traduire.

    2. By the way - please feel free to e-mail me for an appointment and meet me at my office if you want help finding the right word or phrase for something or in reading a difficult article. I'm happy to help anytime!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I can guess the French comment involves little detail in comparison with the English comment, but the main contents is not changed. I will try to change my habit. Thank you for your advice.

  2. After see 3videos, Many of the sentences translated by google stranslater are strange. I knew that google stranslater is strange. Forexample, what is "But if you have one is to follow in the footsteps of the stranger"? The sentense is from google translater. The sentence looks hard. The sentence has 2verbs.

    1. Yes, it's not a proper sentence! Many of the sentences are very strange! Languages have many idioms, expressions and words that can have more than one meaning. This confuses translation devices. I read an article, actually, from a scholar of both languages and computer programming. He said that he thinks it is impossible that computer translation will ever equal human translation, and that it certainly won't be possible within the next 50 years! Therefore, it's very valuable to study other languages and be able to be your own translator! :)

  3. I look forward to google translator be perfection at long last.

    1. I think it will be a long time (or never) before that happens. As I told another student above, I read an article with a language and computer expert who said that it's unlikely that computer translators will ever match humans. Human speech is always changing, full of special expressions and multiple meanings for the same words. That's why translation by computers is not good enough. Keep studying! You are already much better than a computer!

  4. Oh It is very fun! I have a difficulty of translation. but it is fun learning. I'll find further information about song.

    1. I think you can do a better job translating anytime than the computer! The computer really made big mistakes with these songs!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A... I rarely use translation. I don't understand very difficult sentence, type in translation. Sometime it would be help. But useless many times.

    1. Yes, I usually use the translator if I want to check a sentence which I already wrote in French or German or if I need 1 or 2 words only in Korean. Sometimes I think I choose the wrong translation in Korean though, because store owners will give me a funny look!

  7. These videos show that using translator is not good. I agree whth that idea.

  8. It is very strange meaning!!
    It must not use translator.

  9. It's really really stupid. I can't belive Google translator. I write my assay only myself but I am not good at writing ㅠㅠ How can I develope writing abiity?

    1. I actually always enjoy reading your writing, so I think you do a good job! To develop writing ability, the best thing to do is to read a little bit in English every day and to write a little bit as often as you can. I have some books that are like "The Secret Garden" but a little easier if you ever want to borrow those. Also, it can be good to keep a little daily diary in English and just write some thoughts there, use new vocabulary words, etc. Practice is the best way. There is not really any secret. I will also tell you that many Korean students write better in English than some native speakers who don't practice their writing skills! I hope you will keep writing!

    2. Wow! I'm deeply appreciate your advice. when I was writing I use dictionary and modified illustrative sentence. From now, I'll write some thoughts and diary in English. Thanks to your tip, I have the courage to writing.

    3. That's cool! I'm glad to hear any time I can help you! If you ever want advice on your writing, now or in the future, always feel free to meet me! I admire your effort and ambition!

  10. I saw these videos in your class. I was very confidence because I always use my words. Although I mistake my spells and sentences, I do it myself.

    1. I always appreciate your efforts to use your own words and your enthusiasm, Sang Jo! I think you will always do well with English because of your efforts!

  11. I think my english writing ability is lacking. Your advice mentioned above (your comment replies) is really useful. Especially, diary in English is a really nice idea. I will try it!

    1. I hope you will try it! I need to start a French diary again. I practice French on the internet every day with, but it's not enough! Writing is very different from speaking and it makes us think of different kinds of vocabulary!

  12. Actually, I used to google translator before your class. I didn't know how strange using translator is. Watching this video, I know it.

    1. I'm really glad to hear that! Actually, one of my main goals is a teacher is to give students confidence to use their own words! Even Level C and D students can communicate more clearly by using their own words, because translators are so strange! Therefore, Level A and B students DEFINITELY can communicate much better using their own words! Of course, sometimes you can check a word or a short phrase with a translator or dictionary. But never be afraid to use your words! They are great!

    2. I think you acheive one of your goals. I think I get firm confidence about my English ability.

  13. Mean is very strange!! I don't have translator!!

  14. I used to google translator in the past. But now I know google translator is very strange. I want to gain confidence. :<
