Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"The Secret Garden" Yorkshire Dialect

In "The Secret Garden" several characters speak the Yorkshire dialect, a special variety of English. If you're curious what this dialect sounds like, here's a video!

What do you think about this dialect? Can you understand it? In Korea, are there different dialects and accents? What variety of Korean do you speak?


  1. Without subtitles, I don't understand it. Korea has many dialects like Gyeongsang-do dialect, Jeolla-do dialect, ChungChong-Do dialect and Jeju-do dialect. I don't speak any variety of Korean.

  2. Yes, you do! You speak the standard variety of Korean! I speak probably the standard variety of American English too. In my country my way of speaking is considered "normal" and other ways of speaking like a Southern accent or Maine accent are considered "different". However, it's just a choice, if you think about it! We could easily decide that Southern accents and dialect are normal! Anyway, thanks for telling me that information! :)

  3. I can't know the meaning of Yorkshire dialect what they say without the standard English subtitle. In Korea, Dialects exist in each province of Korea. Especially, Jeju province dialect is a entirely different language in comparison with other variety of Korean. I only can speak standard Korean Because I am a native of Seoul.

    1. I would like to hear some different Korean dialects some time. Maybe I will search on Youtube to try to hear some!

  4. I understand some of easy sentences such as how are you doing? , see you.
    In Korea, there are many dialects. Also, I am native of Ulsan. I use Gyeongsang-do dialect and some of city dialects. When I was with the army, I learned some dialects.

    1. What was the most interesting dialect that you heard in the army?

  5. My hometown is Daegu but I was born in Suwon. When I was young I didn't any dialect but I speak Gyenogsang-do's dialect a little. I can speak freely when I meet people who can speak dialect or not.

    1. How is Gyeongsang-do's dialect different from other dialects?

    2. Gyeongsnag-do's dialect is strong accent. If Gyeongsnag-do people say normally, but people who speak the standard language thinks they are upset.

  6. Umm..
    I don't know about England accent but I can listen.
    I don't know almost about this accent.

    1. Yes, this is not just an English accent, but a very difficult-to-understand British dialect. Usually I can understand British people very easily, but not this dialect!!!

  7. Sometimes I can't understand listening orginally english. By listening Yorkshire Dialect. I never understand it. So Yorkshire Dialect is harder than originally english.

    1. It is harder for you and me, but I think that for the people who speak it, it's not difficult at all :)

  8. I speak Gyenogsang-do's dialect ,so my friends sometimes don't understand what i say sometimes. My friends using standard language are exciting about dialect, and they copy what i say.

    1. Oh really? Why is your Gyeongsang-do dialect different? Do you pronounce some words differently or speak more clearly or less clearly? I'm curious!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I was so curious about english dialect when I read Secret Garden. I think I have heard that accent when watching an American drama, because it does not sound so strange.

    1. Wow! What drama did you watch which had an accent like this? I am really curious!

  11. I don't know about this accent. I don't this accent but I am able to broad Gyeongsang-do dialect of Korea. :)
