Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How do we treat people who are different? How should we treat them?

"The Elephant Man" introduces us to a character who is very different from other people in his physical appearance. People around him don't always treat him well. Below is a clip from a movie about another person with a similar physical difference. Like "The Elephant Man" it is also based on a true story. If you would like some extra credit, watch the clip and answer some questions in the comments!

If you would like some extra credit, answer one or more of these questions! How do people treat the main character, Rocky? What do they do? What does Rocky do when people treat him differently? Describe Rocky's personality. If you met Rocky, what would you do? What would you say to him?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If i met Rocky, i becom his friend. Because he is kind good guy.
    We must know how to deal with difficult situations and difficult people.

    1. Yes, I think he seems very kind and good too. I also think he's very funny! I haven't seen this whole movie, actually, but it is supposed to be very good!

  3. I didn' know it is based on true story.

    1. Yes! I think I will put a video about the real Elephant Man on the blog some time or maybe even show it in class. However, for now I don't want to ruin the end of the book by introducing it!

  4. If i saw him first, I'll be surprised and i'll be think "Is there any problem with him face?". But only first time!. I attempted to pal up with him. Many people judge a person by his looks. We shouldn't judge by appearances. We need to look inner beauty. So I attempted to pal up with Rockey:)

  5. If I saw him first, I'll be surprised and I'll avoid him. But If I met him many times, and I knew he is not difference with us, I don't be surpised and avoid. And I want to become freinds with Rockey. Most people judge a person by appearance and I think some people feel superiority when they see other people who have strange appearance. We should't do this.

    1. Yes, I agree that many people feel this kind of superiority. I think people naturally compare themselves to other people, and sometimes if they feel bad about their own life, they want to show that someone else has a worse problem. It's good that you understand this problem and want to solve it!

  6. If I saw him first, I'm going to say hello. In the old times, I have heard that the handicapped hate special treatment. They want to be treated nomally. Of course, it doesn't mean that we don't need to help the handicapped. We should help people who need to help. It's mean don't pity the handicapped, because they are just human like us.

    1. I agree - I also think that handicapped people don't want special treatment, but they might want friends and they might need help if other people are bothering them.

  7. If I met Rocky, I will tell him that no one is perfect and everyone has flaws. You are not different from other people and you can also make many new good friends. Of course, it takes some time to make a good friend but you know, we are all the same. Keep your chin up!

    1. It does take time to make friends - even when people just look normal, it can be difficult!
